Residential Street Cul-de-Sac

Residential Street Cul-de-Sac

$40,000 per project

This program is primarily designed to prohibit vehicular thru-traffic on residential streets and will consist of installing raised curbs in a circular design to allow for change in direction. CDOT requires that alderman submit a signed petition from 80% of the residents on the impacted block before detailed survey and design proceeds; however, CDOT retains the final approval for each location. An ordinance will be required upon approval of the cul-de-sac. A one-way street will need to be converted to a two-way street if a cul-de-sac is installed. This will also require an ordinance. If the street is less than 30 feet wide, parking may need to be removed on one side of the street. The standard fill for the detached cul-de-sac is red stamped colored concrete.


  • Based upon the number of utilities that may need to be adjusted, prices will vary accordingly.