Protected Bike Lane

Protected Bike Lane

$62,500 per block

Vision Zero Logo
A protected bike lane is physically separated from motor vehicle traffic using a physical barrier, such as concrete curb, and is distinct from the sidewalk. Protected bike lanes have different forms, but all share common elements that provide space that is intended to be primarily used for bicycles and are separated from motor vehicle travel lanes. In situations where on-street parking is allowed protected bike lanes are located to the curb-side of the parking (in contrast to bike lanes). If at street level, they can be separated from motor traffic by raised medians, on-street parking, or bollards. By separating cyclists from motor traffic, protected bike lanes can offer a higher level of comfort than bike lanes and are attractive to a wider spectrum of the public. Concrete curb has become the new standard for protected bike lanes.


  • CDOT retains the final approval for each location.
  • Prices will vary based upon the amount of concrete protection and cross-section of the roadway.
  • CDOT's cost estimate is $250,000 per half-mile. Ward Wise has converted this measurement to the cost-per-block displayed here.